I set up a project with settings as you’ve described, and I am seeing a similar issue. When I hit Play, then move default sedan forward, then hit F, it switches to other sedan for 1 second and then switches back to default pawn in its starting position.
I’m checking in with our developers to see if there’s something we’ve missed, and if not we’ll make sure to open a bug report for issue. Thanks for report!
I’m still waiting to hear back from developers on this. If you don’t mind, I’d like to leave this post as unresolved so I can keep track of it better until then. Thanks!
It appears problem is that when you switch possession to new vehicle, old vehicle wheels continue to send RPC’s to server. This is because wheels incorrectly (this is bug) think they are still possessed by original player controller.
Because of log spam generated, server disconnects client, and you are now a listen server, and no longer connected to a server (this is why it now works second time).
I’m looking into a fix now, and hopefully this will be fixed soon.