Network: start listen server late / destroy session keeps replicating


I’m having happy times working out the multiplayer stuff and could need two hands to help out.

1: I setup local multiplayer and it is working. But after I call DestroySession, the game still replicates. Why does it do this? Whats the point of DestroySession? Even after DestroySession on Server and Client replication keeps going.
I know that I need to destroy the session in ordner to join another, but I would gues the replication stops.

2: In order to get stuff working, you need to OpenLevel mit option=listen. This is ok for a lobby game, but we create a game where a player should be able to open up the running game for public access. I for sure can always open the map with “listen” option, but this seems head on. Is it somehow possible to define a running map as “listen”? I gues this will take some performance, otherwise why isn’t it always “listen” (keep in mind you still need to call CreateSession)?


EDIT: Well, found answer to 1 myself: From documentation: Online Session Nodes | Unreal Engine Documentation
When you no longer want other players to be able to discover and join your game, you can call the Destroy Session node. This will effectively cause you to leave the session, and if you are the host, shut down the session so that it is no longer discoverable.

Would still be glad for a hand on question 2.

Are you using the advanced sessions plugin by chance? Are you checking that destroy session is actually successful or fails?

If you want to stop a session from showing up but still exist just update the session settings and make joinable false, if you’re using the plugin I’ve found (at least with 4.14.3) that end session doesn’t work correctly and you have to use destroy session.

sorry for the late replay, missed it somehow. Made changes to the first post, was messed up.
thanks for the reply. Not using the plugin yet, had to stop multplayer def for some time.

Still looking for ideas for question 2.