Network Ownership & AI Controlled Characters

Network Ownership & AI Controlled Characters

I’m working on a game where the controlled player can have a party of AIController controlled party members with multiplayer support - each player can have their own party of AI Controlled characters.

I’m trying to allow the player to control/modify the party members inventory without possessing that character.

When a new character is added to the party I call a Server RPC to set the owner of the character to the player controller but future RPC’s called seem to be dropped for client connections. On a Listen Server or in Standalone it works properly. I do not get the warning about not having an owning connection.

When I check the owner on the client it matches the player controller but when I check the owner on the server it is still owned by the AIController.

I’ve tinkered around and read as much documentation as I can find but I’m starting to feel stuck. Is there a way to grant a network ownership on an AIController controlled character?

I found the solution. I needed to grant ownership on the AI Controller.

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