network emulation - client stutter after upgrading project to UE5.1

Hello !
im having some problems after upgrading my project to ue5.1 . (blueprint project)
my project was originally built on ue4.26 . when testing network emulation with bad connectivity setting everything works fine …
upgraded the project to ue5.1 tested network emulation with the same settings and the client is stuttering when moving …

  • UE4 - no stutter

please help me figure it out and solve it !
Thanks !!

Hi! I’ll do my best to help you with your issue.

It’s possible that the issue you’re experiencing is related to changes in how networking works between UE4.26 and UE5.1. My first suggestion would be to look closer at the changelog to see if it has changed.

Did you recreate the same system in Unreal Engine 5.1 or just update your old project to the new version? Unreal Engine 5 is more taxing due to new systems, this could be one of the main causes to the issue you are experiencing.

solved , make sure in ur character capsule component - component replicates - need to be set to false …

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