Nested components with EditAnywhere specifier not editable

I was trying to create following component hierarchy within my actor:

  • UMyActor
  • UMyComponent
    [INDENT]- UCameraComponent[/INDENT]

I decorated both components with UProperty macro and gave them EditAnywhere specifier.

While the CameraComponent shows up on the list in details panel I can’t edit its properties. Though, I can edit them below if I expand CustomComponent category and navigate to CameraComponent. Then I can punch in different location but I can’t move the component in the viewport.

I may be missing something here but is there a way to make CameraComponent fully editable?

I wouldn’t recommend creating components within other components. It’s not a strategy supported by the engine. You can create components at runtime and change properties like normal, but the editor and certainly networking does not handle nested components.

I see dzeligman, thanks for your answer!