Hello there! I’ve created this topic to showcase the current process of my diorama, which is a Neonpunk inspired outdoor lunch area with multiple different restaurants and tents. I will update my future progression on the diorama here, and I hope you enjoy!
Here’s my set of references. I had way more but I had to reduce them down to the ones below. It includes the blocking of my main diorama and, right above it and below, really rough sketches of how I intend it to look like
Additionally, I’ve got done with modelling most of my buildings, but I decided to showcase this one in particular since it’s the main focus of my diorama
Hi there! Here’s my weekly update. This time I advanced a lot, including creating the modular system, further modelling the assets of my diorama (which is 90% complete at this point) and adding it into unreal
oh wow, this looks AWESOMEEEEEE and great job. I am currently learning UE5 in Coursera by Epic Games and I cannot wait to learn this. Looks really cool. I would love to see a video how you make this from scratch.
I never knew that this style was called Neonpunk but I love it! I’m very excited to see how the textures and lighting fit into the diorama to make it all come together. Is it going to be a daytime or nighttime styled diorama?
Answering to your question, yes it will be daytime. I’m also adding new updates to my current diorama. It took me a while to figure out how tillable textures work and which meshes must be labeled as such in order to texturize them, but I can finally say I’m 97% done with them outside of a couple things I need to add and modify. I know some of them are repeated and all look like they have the same color (which they do), but they will be changed as soon as I add the nodes. This week I’ll focus on turning these textures into Smart Materials in Substance Sample, and hopefully I’ll have the time to texturize the smaller assets. Overall it’s been pretty rocky in some places but I managed to turn it all around, hopefully the rest of my creative process will go smoother!
Hey everyone. It’s been a while but here’s my final update. Had to work on a lot of things, redo others, erase certain aspects of it that were obstructing my workload and giving me a lot of anxiety. Consequently, they all led me to this final result, so I hope you like it! I know there are many things I can improve on, in my opinion being the tillable textures and the decals, but throughout my process, I learned a lot of new essential skills that will help me in future projects. It was a frustrating ride that paid off decently, I would say.
Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far
This is such a gorgeous scene. The colors you chose combined with the “Neonpunk” style made for such a charming and beautiful environment. Glad I discovered this thread on the final update. Do you currently have any plans for your next project or are you taking a break after this one?