Neonpunk Lunch Area Diorama

Hello there! I’ve created this topic to showcase the current process of my diorama, which is a Neonpunk inspired outdoor lunch area with multiple different restaurants and tents. I will update my future progression on the diorama here, and I hope you enjoy!

Here’s my set of references. I had way more but I had to reduce them down to the ones below. It includes the blocking of my main diorama and, right above it and below, really rough sketches of how I intend it to look like

Additionally, I’ve got done with modelling most of my buildings, but I decided to showcase this one in particular since it’s the main focus of my diorama

And finally, here’s the building rendered on Unreal

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Hi there! Here’s my weekly update. This time I advanced a lot, including creating the modular system, further modelling the assets of my diorama (which is 90% complete at this point) and adding it into unreal

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oh wow, this looks AWESOMEEEEEE and great job. I am currently learning UE5 in Coursera by Epic Games and I cannot wait to learn this. Looks really cool. I would love to see a video how you make this from scratch.