Neon Runners - NEW Platformer Game!

Hey everyone! :star_struck:

If you’ve ever had a blast with Mario Maker 1 or 2, you’re going to love what we’ve been cooking up – Neon Runners!

What makes our game so awesome?

It’s all about speedrunning and showing off your skills! Whether you’re racing through maps to beat your best time or competing with friends to see who’s the fastest, Neon Runners has got you covered. And here’s the best part – you can even create your own maps! Design something crazy, share it with your friends, and challenge them to beat your creation.

We’re still in Beta, and you can jump in on Epic (PC) or mobile. We’re always looking for feedback, so if you’re into testing, building maps, or just want to hang out, hit us up!

Check out our trailer here: :film_projector:

Download Neon Runners here: :joystick:

And if you’re as excited as we are, come join our Discord community! We’re dropping updates and chatting about all things Neon Runners. :space_invader:

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Hey everyone, Happy Saturday! :grin:

We wanted to share a dev-blog today, focusing on the amazing work our Art team has been doing. Since the early days of Neon Runners, our team has always been deeply committed to design – especially when it comes to our Runners, how they look, feel, and interact with our world. Our goal has always been to craft some of the world’s best Runners, making them not only visually engaging but impactful enough to enhance the overall player experience. Designing with purpose and impact is a core principle at Neon Runners.

Here are some very early-stage designs our team created for character creation. We hope they inspire early-stage game developers and artists. We’ll be posting a lot more soon, so stay tuned and enjoy!

That said, we’re always eager to hear from developers, artists, and new players, so if you enjoy what we’re building, we’d love to hear from you! We hope you check out our game, and if you’re interested, join us over on Discord.

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Hi there @AorosDev ! Welcome to posting with us here on the forums!

I think with Neon Runners, it will be a great game for friends to compete with one another in this stylized side scroller. Maybe I missed it when watching through the video, but are you considering the teams amongst players in a 2v2 play style instead of every player for themselves.

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Hey @The_M0ss_Man, thanks a ton for the comment!

Right now, we don’t have a 2v2 option – the Battle Royale gamemode is more of an every-player-for-themselves kind of thing, but that’s an awesome idea, and we’ll definitely look into it for the future!

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It’s Saturday—woohoo! I just wanted to share another dev update with an overview of what one of our maps looks like.

One of the best parts about Neon Runners is our map creator mode. Players can build highly creative and impressive maps using our system. Here’s an overview of what a sample map can look like!

If you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, feel free to check us out on Discord!

Hello again @AorosDev !

That’s still wonderful. A free for all racer like Neon Runners is extremely fun to see developed! In regards to your recent update I was curious if the creation system is grid/snap based to make things easier for creators.

Hi there @AorosDev,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

I am obsessed with the character design you’ve got going so far. The gear alone looks very Paladin/Valkyrie - so cool! I’m stoked to see this progress :smiley: