Neo Kinect - easy access to the Kinect v2 capabilities in your games

The plugin exposes Kinect functionalities to Unreal. Using it for specific types of applications is up to the developer using the plugin.

As for a virtual dresser specifically, on the first post in this thread, under the FAQ section, the last one is about that. Q: Any advice to create a virtual dresser?

Use the Body Index in Color Space (I’ll call it BICS) frame inside a material together with the Color frame and set to 0 opacity when BICS value is greater than 5.

Hi,can you update this plugin for Azure DK?

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If it were a small to medium change, yes. But Azure has a different API, so it wouldn’t be just an update. It would be a whole new code to talk to it.

Hi, this plugin can be used on Kinect v1??

No. Only v2. They use different APIs

Hello, thanks for providing this plug-in. In my application it is very important that every frame is captured, and I need both depth and color data. When I run the demo the projected color and depth images are stuttering and I would guess it only shows about 10 frames per second. And then I thought my computer was pretty good with Core i5-12400F, 16 GB RAM and GeForce FTX 1650. This computer has no problem acquiring 30 FPS of Kinect data through other applications. What is your opinion on this? Should I be able to get 30 FPS also here? I use Unreal 5.1 and Windows 11 Home.

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Yes, you should be able to get high framerates with that setup. The plugin was developed when I had a GTX 750 and it was already performant there.

I also have this framerate issue since 5.0, but only when the viewport is not fullscreen. If I press F11 (and maybe Shift+F11 too to make the editor itself fullscreen), framerates go up. Also, if I package the project it runs really fine. It’s just in the editor viewport that it seems to have some issue.

How to get Kinect frame texture into UE material,or RenderTarget?

Use Set Frame Enabled to get the texture you need. Then you can pass it to the material. Some of the examples in the demo project do it for the plane that’s used as a background.

Thank you for this awesome thing you made! So I’m fairly new to all of this. When I’m working in the BP_AvateeringDemo - how can i have it where the Kinect always chooses the same player index? I wanted to play with putting a Niagara system on the model but it chooses one of the 6 models randomly when the kinect detects me. How can I have it only choose player 0 skeleton?

There are a few ways to achieve that.

One way is to use Get Kinect Nearest Body to get one single, tracked body, instead of all the possible ones. Then always pass its coordinates to a single Skeletal Mesh, instead of an index in the Skeletal Meshes array.

Your Tick event should end up looking something like this.

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That was awesome! I tried the code and it worked like a charm. Thanks so much!

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I know you have stated that you do not plan on supporting the Kinect Azure, however, I would like to add my support for you doing so! :slight_smile: P.S. NeoKinect has been such an amazing tool for immersive environments!

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I have issues with Meta Human Skeletal Mesh. Since MH provides different Skeletal meshes for body, Top wear, bottom wear and foot wear. I have parented to main mesh itself and it’s not working. Can anybody help me ?

GOne - YouTube

Parenting doesn’t make two SkeletalMeshes mimic each other. You need to call Set Leader Pose Component on the child meshes, passing the main one, controlled by Kinect, as New Leader Bone Component.

I have tried all these method each with enabling/disabling " For update " and " In follower should tick pose ". Though it’s not working. Could you help me out.

And following methods also

If SkeletalMesh 1 is the one controlled by Kinect, that’s the one that needs to control the others. You’re doing it the other way around.

In the Set Leader Pose Component node, Target is the mesh you’re calling the function on, so it would be the other meshes. New Leader Bone Component is 1 if that’s the one controlled by Kinect, because it’s the Leader.

And that node only works if the meshes have bones with same names as the leader.

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It’s working. Thank You so much.

Also forgot to mention from day one I am getting these errors. Can you help me this out

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