Neo Kinect - easy access to the Kinect v2 capabilities in your games

Tracking a single person

I recommend using the BP_AvateeringDemo blueprint from the example contents as a reference. Instead of Get Kinect Nearest Body, it uses Get Kinect Bodies on Begin Play, stores them in a variable Bodies and loops over them on Tick.

Do that, and you can have your own logic for the tracked bodies (see the usage of Is Tracked on the Tick graph). You can ignore them or use their information, depending on your needs (distance to a specific location, distance from the sensor, hands up, etc).

That’s how I always did my projects. You can make a single person “sticky” by storing their Neo Kinect Body in a separate variable and use them until they are no longer valid (too far, for instance). Then set the variable to None until some other body passes your requirements for being tracked. While that variable is valid, you don’t search for other bodies, so you won’t switch from person to person.

This is how to set a variable to None. Just use the SET node without passing anything into it.