My name is Andrew Urbanek and we have a Rasta Raffee: The Last Bong Diesel (RRTLBD) mobile game project in progress which has been delayed due to illness that has taken significant toll on me physically and financially. Things were touch and go for a while, but my health is improving and I hope to get this project back into the [PAID] category soonish, however, I am open to negotiation on other compensation measures.
First and foremost, we need a programmer who is familiar with the unity engine and 100% passionate to work on the project. Secondly, we would then be in need of additional level designers, writers, environmental artists and character artists.
RRTLBD is not a complex game, more or less its a basic zany 3D arcade game. Please IM me or email me at [EMAIL=“BGAStories@gmail.com”]BGAStories@gmail.com if you are interested.
Here is the cover art to let you know what you would be getting yourself into lol.