Needed 1x Weapon Artist

Hello Folks

I’m in need of a seasoned weapon artist for a personal project. The project will require the artist to plan, produce and texture several weapon assets based on 21st-century weaponry. These assets will need to be designed for use in a VR application, as such, considerations must be made for performance optimisation when and if required. Artist must be proficient in texturing, and will need to produce maps ranging from 2k-4k per asset, following the PBR texturing structure. Assets must be deliverable in .FBX format. Rigging of assets is not required.

This is a paid position and I’m willing to make payment on a per asset basis or group of assets, in a payment structure that works for the artist.

If you feel you have the skills to meet this post, please contact me via PM and we’ll discuss this project and its requirements in greater detail.

Thanks Folks.

What do you mean 21-st century weapons? You mean real weapons or some that dont exist?

Hello, Thanks for your comment.

The weapons required will be ‘based’ on 21st-centuary weaponry, ie. Modern Day weaponry will be used as a basis for the assets produced however the artist will have free will to add their own flair. I’m not seeking an artist specialising in futuristic weapons etc.

Hey hey, as you probably know we live and breathe weapons here so I would love to chat. How many weapons are you thinking?

I can’t seem to PM you, but I would be happy to talk about possibly creating assets for you. I’m very experienced with 3D modelling and texturing. Shoot me a message if you still need help!

Need more posts to PM people. Anti-spam measure.

Hi Zippyo3,

If you are still looking for someone to help you then take a look at my website here and if you would like to work with me then just let me know.
