okay so I followed the documents for AI zombie etc tons of YouTube videos and I still get stuck with my AI Zombies I can make them chase me, roam, and patrol. But I can not get the to attack. There is a certain way I want them to chase and attack like dying light, and I also want it to we’re they run up to me then stop go into attack mode and walk/creep towards me like resident evil 4 AI does. If someone could post links, guides, etc anything that can help or even someone over Skype that has plenty of knowledge on the subject. Please help me out I will return the favor. I kept getting comments like read the documentation etc. before. I need a guide that I can study for what I need the help with. I tried to load the survival project by Tom loom but it won’t load on 4.7.3 I believe it is I have for me to study more. I seen the docs but it’s still not helping as much as I thought.
So this Video is OLD…but the idea is the same…Set a distance you want your enemies to chase your player character down to…then attack when in range by checking distance between the players…Attacks are Animations that turn on traces in your Anim_Notifies…