Need to do what’s in the title: spawn multiple geometry collections one after another, in particular place. What I tried so far (blueprints, but I don’t mind writing C++ if it would help):
Don’t spawn geometry collections, but just place them in the level in advance. Then move them in the spawn position one after another at right time. It would be fine, but they fall under the gravity and I can’t modify their transform after simulation has started for some reason.
I also can’t make geometry collections “disabled” until I place them into position. It kind of works with disabling/enabling “Simulate Physics” property, but geometry collection cache does mess with this property and I didn’t manage to record it properly. I tried keeping “simulate physics” always on but disable and re-enable gravity on spawn. Doesn’t work, gravity doesn’t get enable if it was initially disabled. Seems to be a bug.
Is there a workaround?
Is it OK to programmatically spawn and add objects to the geometry collection cache in runtime?