Need to learn plz help

Hi all i try to get learning for animation how to add my character to walk and when i hold shift to run and also pik up weapons and such how to get triggerd adn played for sort of things

“how to add my character to walk”


shift - change speed variable

pik up weapons - use collisions

Awesome tnx :slight_smile:

Well i wont add new thread so i will post here well can i use mannequine character with rig and do my animations in3dsmax and the import it in side UE and add to my game project and use it without doind with y own wile there is retargeting system :confused:

Just do it like that: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?81706-UE4-Default-Skeleton-Mannequin-Rig-for-3D-Studio-

After that you can animate it + use those anims in the UE4 :slight_smile:

I did export stuff and animation but the rig is mess up its not skined and its broken is there a way to rerig it back and how ?