Need to get one block to block another.

I have been trying to get one of the cube within this part of the level to be blocked by another cube is there any way that I can do this with out trying to cast this to the other cube as it is not an actor as I have tried to us a box colilion on both of the cubs but it has not worked as of yet I’m still trying to get use to useing blueprint and the way that I have been trying to sovle this problem may be the wrong way as I am trying to get a better understanding of how to use blueprint and trying to find a simpler soultion to the problem here two screen shots of my work.

By this, do you mean you want it to have collision bounds bigger than the bounds of the mesh? You can do this by navigating to the viewport window of your blueprint, clicking on that plus button at the top left, typing in collision, selecting the collision box and adjusting it’s scale and location to your liking. Then all there’s left to do would be setting up the collision settings of the collision box that’s been added accordingly, by making sure that it blocks pawns and also not forgetting to tick that checkbox for generating hit events :blush:

The class of blueprint that I am using is an actor type would there also be a way with this as well.

Yes, what I’ve described would of course work with actors

Thanks sorry misunderstood it.