Need to create derived class C++

I used Unreal’s “Create new C++ class” to create a child of UDynamicMesh (It’s not what I needed, but it was a way to test stuff)

There is a class FDynamicMesh3 that is a member of an Unreal built-in Plugin.
I need access to the protected functions for a plugin I’m making. ChatGPT said the only way to access these is by creating a derived class.

The code below works for creating a child of UdynamicMesh, but when I change it to FDynamichMesh3, VS pops up with 6000+ errors, none of which are related to any of the code I’ve written. It won’t compile either.

Unable to find parent class type for ‘UBlenderDynamicMesh’ named ‘FDynamicMesh3’
“FDynamicMesh3” highlights green, it exists, and I can declare variables of that type inside the functions.

What am I doing wrong?

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "DynamicMesh/DynamicMesh3.h"
#include "UDynamicMesh.h"
#include "BlenderDynamicMesh.generated.h"

class MAKEBLUEPRINTNODE_API UBlenderDynamicMesh : public UDynamicMesh

Things I’ve tried:
Clean Solution → Rebuild Solution(2x)
Clean Project → Rebuild project(2x)
Delete .VS, intermediate, Cached Data, and .SLN file, and plugins/intermediate (where my project is stored) → Generate Visual Studio Files → Rebuild Solution

Changed UBlenderDynamicMesh to FBlenderDynamicMesh and repeated all of the above

Sometimes there’s an error of “unable to find parent class”… sometimes there’s 6000+ random errors not in any of my files… sometimes there’s 10,484 errors.

How do Game Devs get anything done? 9+ hours and I can’t even create an empty ‘derived class’. :frowning:

FDynamicMesh3 isn’t a UClass, So, according to Chat GPT I should remove Uclass and Generated_body and include .generated.h

Also had to add “using namespace UE::Geometry;”

Did all that, and result is:
#pragma once

  #include "CoreMinimal.h"
  #include "DynamicMesh/DynamicMesh3.h"
  using namespace UE::Geometry;
  class MAKEBLUEPRINTNODE_API FBlenderDynamicMesh : public FDynamicMesh3

It now compiles and runs.