[Need Support] Unable to Install a Code Plugin

Hi there…

I bought this Code Plugin a long while ago:
Ultimate Monitor Switcher

Now i´m facing the Problem, that i´m unable to install this Plugin.
Thee is NO “unavailable”… I have an installation Button and I can choose the Engine to install this to… But whether the Download nor something else is happening.


I already tried to reinstall the Launcher… that didn´t solved this…

So… i think there is some kind of Bug…

Can you help me pls?

Hi BDC_Patrick,

You can email the author directly at: leon.etzel@frostfight.com

They may be able to help - or send you a fixed link…

Already tried that in his discord…20.04.23 and today again… no solution in sight

Are other things downloading and installing OK?

it is just this one Plugin not working.

@Unreal_Josh - is this something you could help with?

Would be nice…
Coupd not find another Plugun that provides the funcrionality of getting thr monitor cound, all names if those monitors and setting the new active one…