I’ve made this weapon lead blueprint that seems to work pretty well, but here’s the kicker: it only works if you turn right.
I made it so if the axis value from “MouseX” is greater than 0, it’ll rotate the first person viewmodel 5 degrees to the right through a timeline event called “Turnright”. I’ve been trying to figure out how to make it so when the axis value is less than 0, it reverses “Turnright”, then plays “Turnleft”, and vice versa, but I’ve had no luck. Any ideas?
Did that before, however, it doesn’t reverse the timeline event first, it just jumps to the other one. The closest I’ve gotten to doing a complete blueprint for this is where I’ve gotten it to play “Turnleft” when I turn left, and then “Turnright” when I turn right, however when transitioning from the first to the second, it didn’t reverse the former first, it just jumped straight to the latter event.
Here’s my blueprint for it. Just take the axis values for your mouse movement input and rotate the accordingly on the x and y axis. Then you just add the base rotation of the weapon. Hope you can use this well.