Need some help on elapsed timing calculations (Xbox or PS controller req'd)

I’ve modified the Blueprint Script “ThirdPersonCharacter.uasset” to calculate the timings of the left analog stick from neutral to full tilt and then from full tilt back to neutral by adding in two macro functions.

The first function, calculates the timing supposedly from neutral to full tilt (here’s a pic of that below):

The second function, calculates the timing from full tilt back to neutral (here’s another pic below):

Here’s an event graph where I call out the two macro functions to get the supposedly elapsed time when you start to tilt the left analog to full and returning the analog from full tilt back to neutral.

The problem I see is that the total amount of milliseconds it takes to tilt an analog stick from neutral to full tilt then from full tilt back to neutral does not add up to previously to what time it takes to tilt the analog to full + from full tilt back to neutral; the timings from neutral to full tilt will be printed in blue while; while the timings from full tilt back to neutral will be printed in red; and finally the total milliseconds will be printed in purple if you move in Y-axis and in green if you move in the X-axis.

You can test this out in third person example of UE4 with your Xbox and/or PS controller and see the timings as you tilt your left analog stick.