Need some help figuring out how to create a spherical mini map

I was wondering, If you had a spherical map like a planet made in the worldscape plugin that you can run around on, how exactly do you create a mini map for it where you can bring up a map that can accurately mark location of interests and so forth on a spherical map that isnt flat, I mean I have looked everywhere, not a single asset on the marketplace or a youtube tutorial and no forum posts on this subject of spherical mini maps that were helpful.

Is it either too hard, not enough interest or a niche thing to do in a game?

I am looking for suggestions, tips or insight on how I should approach creating an interactive spherical mini map

Any help on this would be appreciated.


Hey there @K1W1_LEGEND! Welcome back to the community! Are you thinking like a 3D spatial minimap like Elite Dangerous or something more akin to a full spatial map like this:

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Is the minimap meant to cover the entire planet?