Need Some Clarification On Using Provided Assets/Starter Content


I was looking through the FAQ/Creators EULA and I just wanted to clarify the section that states: “Distribution and sublicensing of Examples - You may Distribute or sublicense Examples (including as modified by you under the License) in Source Code or object code format to any third party. However, the rights in this Section 1(A)(g) do not expand or modify your limited Distribution and sublicensing rights for Engine Code and Content (including as modified by you under the Engine License) that are not Examples.”

Going to the definitions it states…

Content: means any code, artwork, or other content that Epic makes available to you, as part of Unreal® Engine under this Agreement, for use with the Engine Code, or any other part of Unreal® Engine. For clarity, Content includes but is not limited to Paid Content and UE-Only Content.

Example: means the Engine Code and Content made available by Epic in the Samples and Templates folders in the install directory or in the Content Examples projects available through the Marketplace.

Going by this…what exactly is Content referring to? Is that something like the Splash Screen (since that’s neither in Samples or Templates, but given with the Engine)?

Further, is modifying or even migrating/moving code from Examples acceptable?

In other words, say I have a project where I want a C++ class for a character, so I take the code from one of the Example projects (First or Third person) and paste it into a class in my project. Then I extend off that class to build my character. Would that technically be a violation since I’m not modifying an Example project directly but instead migrating code from an Example into my own project? Or is any kind of Example project modification acceptable?

Any help or clarification would be appreciated.

Thank you.

(Feels really weird to even ask this. I’ve been working with UE4 for years but never got far enough to actually have to start thinking about licensing at all…)

AFAIK you are able to use any of the released content by UE in any project as long as you are the owner (e.g. paid marketplace content). It has to be packaged as a game though if you are releasing your own project from this content. You cannot sell parts of the project outside of it being a game (or use the content in another game engine).

Thank you, that’s what I had been thinking - that as long as you’re not trying to sell it alone its fine. I appreciate the clarification!