Need Proper Specification's to Develop using Unreal Editor

I needed some help regarding the System Requirements of using UE4 Editor. Because as stated on epic games page you don’t need much but they differ from the Kite Demo Requirements…
These are our current specs:-
Intel I7 6700K
16 GB DDR4
ASUS Deluxe Motherboard
Nvidia GTX 970
But as stated on the Kite demo you need at least 24 GB for UE4 Editor
We can change the above specs to like an Intel X99 or Xeon Processor
An Nvidia GTX 980 Ti or an Nvidia Titan X
Please Help us select the proper specs…Because we are working a very high graphic fidelity game that will push Unreal Engine to its boundaries and we need to be able to do that without any problems… We are a team of 4 and extending so multiple builds is also possible…
Thanks Please reply soon…We are already going slow…Thanks!

Here’s a link to a performance survey taken a while ago, there’s also a bunch of other spec threads around the forum if you’re trying to get an idea of what other people are using.

If you are really pushing the graphics 32 GB and 980 Ti will help. Not sure if anything mire expensive than an i7-6700k will make any significant difference.

Getting a higher end i7 will just improve lightmass baking times, so if you plan on baking a lot, it might be useful, but won’t help performance in game.

Thanks Everyone for your help!! So Ill just build a separate server for Baking… and rest all the specs will be same for the designers and programmers.