Need IK Solutions for Animating Characters with Head + Wrists Movement

Hello! I’m working on a live performance experience where a viewer in a VR headset is interacting with a live actor in a motion capture suit. It’s all on an Optitrack stage, and the viewer in the headset will have a Vive with an active Optitrack clip and two active trackers on their wrists. Essentially trying to find solid IK solutions to animate their character in the experience using only tracking their head and wrists. Any ideas on how to get full body movement out of a skeleton/rig using only those three world transforms (from Optitrack rigid bodies). Doesn’t have to be perfect, but can’t find any solid options yet.

Hi, you can use the VRBodyIK plugin on the marketplace that pretty much does what you described, but is based on Vive Trackers, so you may eventually need to update some of the tracking reference.
Alternatively you can build an IK setup for both the hands and head using AnimBP or Control Rig, and create the logic for the lower body movement.