Hello. i am scanning a woman from DSLR images.
For some reason the software dont show me the back, not even her grey shirt.
i tried to place control points at her back but when i press align again after adding CP there is still no green matches. i really dont understand why.
Even if there is not 100% cover, it should at lest show the areas it can scan like the shirt, no?
- why her eyes have some holes in them?
Thank you.
I am tring to CP the enviornment maybe thats the problem
Adding alot more control points over contrast areas i managed to get more cameras.
I think it is not right that a 15K app dont have orginized tutorials from creators.
Please add.
are you using single camera?
its going to be very hit or miss, if you don’t have 80-100+ cameras all taking photos at the same time.
but saying that, it look like it not getting very good control point off the hair. so having that fill frame it probably throwing it off.
also since it looks like a single camera, getting control points off the walls etc… will probably throw the alignment off as well. since your subject will be moving between each shot.
Yes, definitely not enough images and target too small in the frame.
I imagine hair is a nightmare even with ideal resolution and coverage.
Plus the movement issues as chris said.
You could try to set the max features in alignment settings to 20000/80000 instead of 10000/40000.
That might give you more cameras but at the cost of lower accuracy.
The area of the shirt in the back is too small to make any difference.
I think it should cover at least 1/3 of the image to get anything acceptable.
Don’t use a flash for a start.
(stick to diffuse even lighting when possible)
Her hair is very shiny, which means it’s reflective, which is also a problem that you made worse with the flash.
You can use little coloured sticker dots to help locate the shape(s) better and just remove them in your painting app later when texturing.
Keep practicing, and try shooting differently.