Need Help

Hello, I have since yesterday trouble updating my Mods.
My Stackmod worked flawlessly, I only have the item quantity that changed when I get to craft an items, and now the mod does not work anymore.
I also had often the problem that the mod could not be 100% download on Steam.

Several times I have let the DevKit search for errors or updates, unfortunately without success. Can anyone pls help me?

This seems to be a steam related issue. For some people it works to change the download location to an(other) US Server. If this does not help please wait a bit for the issues to be resolved on steam’s side.


same issue here saddly is it the server that the uploads are going to or the server that their downloading from

now in the file that was cooked is it missing pretty much everything as well

Thanks for the quick responses,
I do not understand how something may be missing if I have changed only the Item Quantity of a resource.
I had no files removed or added, how can it be that something is missing? The Mod had indeed previously worked.