Need help!

Iv’e been working on making my character jump, run, etc but I’ve been stuck for a while and need some help.

  1. With the third person player that unreal provides, can you switch it with a mixamo character? How? and can it still do the same things like jump, run, walk, punch, etc?

In this image the players left shoulder is missing. How can I fix this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

  1. you will have to add the new character in your character bp (component tab) + recreate or modify the existing anim bp -> this explains you everything about characters and animations: :slight_smile:
  2. what happens when you set the quality settings to “epic”? + does it look the same when you preview it in the skeletal mesh editor?

Thanks :slight_smile: I’ll check the video later. Also, where is the quality settings, I’ve never seen it before.

Go to Settings -> Engine Scalability Settings

Ok i’ve done that but his shoulder is still missing :frowning:

Hmm, does the same thing happens when you open a new third person template? -> for me it looks like you have retargeted the character and it went a little bit wrong :smiley:

It’s not the normal third person player, I was watching a video i think something like the link you gave me and it said to down load that type so i did. The guy in the video said that it was missing a shoulder and that he could fix it in later videos but I don’t know which part of the videos that he fixed it.

Well in that case there is really nothing we can do to help you, it is a problem with the assets he provided.

ok i’ll see if the guy fixed it