Need Help

Looking for help with an RPG/Survival game. Been looking at Unreal for a couple months and realize that help is needed.

We are looking for anyone interested in helping get our game, Abandon Hope, off the ground and headed for Kickstarter. There are three of us working on the game right now, accomplishing very little I might add, but we have a good idea of where we want the game to go. We do not have any developer skills (I know that’s a bad thing to say but it is the truth) but we are willing to learn.

I don’t really want to give up too much info about the actual game in public but will discuss some aspects if people are interested in private.

If we can get a small group together to accomplish a Kickstarter for funding then all parties will be paid for their work.

If you have any questions or would like to help out you can contact me through email at

Any help would be appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you.

Hey im interested in helping out (im also new to UE4) im not looking to get paid but a project to get experience from.

I’m in the process of putting together a game design document right now and will get it out to everyone that has replied (hopefully this weekend).

I must say that I didn’t expect the response and was a little worried people would be offended about the unpaid aspect lol

I’m also thrilled to see “noobs” popping in wanting to learn and I think that is GREAT!