Need help with translations [Materials]

Kia ora

I’m looking at the mareial list here in 3Ds Max 2012 and trying to figuer out which slot
I attach the OCC map to

Ambient Colour? is this Occlusion <filename>_Occlusion.png

Got the Following

Diffuse Colour <filename>_Diffuse.png

Not sure about

Specular Colour I issume is it for Specular map <filename>_Specular.png
Specular Level or is it this one
Glossiness I’m gussing is the <filename>_Glo.png
Opacity I don’t know don’t use
Filter Colour No Idea
Bump I use the <filename>_Normal.png
Reflection ?
Refraction ?
Displacement I use the <filename>_Height.png, seems it the same as a displacement map as I understand it

Just need to translate which texture link where so it’s correct on omport into UE

Sorry bout the bump but it’d be nice to clear this up so I know which texture to put in what slot