I have a BoxTraceByChannel set to the bounds of an object that I am projecting into the world. However, since the bounds of the item are larger than the camera, if I back into a corner the item is not projected where I am looking but rather into the corner, as that is the first place the trace collides. I have tried offsetting the trace, but that causes the trace to start passing through walls if the camera gets too close. I have also tried expanding the size of the camera’s hitbox, which makes it difficult to look at the bottom side of objects that are close to the ground. Is there a way to make the line trace ignore what is immediately around the camera for a split second? I can’t tell it to ignore the wall actors, or else the line trace goes right through walls at the end of the trace, which is not what I want. If there is any way to do this I would love to hear some ideas. Thanks in advance!