As u can see, i have Pawn cube. Using this script i have managed it to “jump”. Now i need to move it along X axis by ( for example ) 100 while jump timeline is playing.
I want make it move and jump at the same time.
i have tied adding SetActorLocation after SetRelativeLocation, where i gets 2 vectors ( Current one and “next position” ) and lerp it by time of timeline lenght.but it just teleports by 100 forward.
You’re playing the timeline on Tick which defeats the purpose of using a timeline in the first place. Use an event based behaviour. Trigger the timeline once and let it play out its length.
When it comes to simultaneous movement, you’re currently setting Z to 250, why not set the X as well to however far you need to move forward.
If you need a different curve for the forward movement (which is understandable, of course), do note that you can have the timeline spit out as many curves as you need. So perhaps it’s a matter of adding another float track responsible for X movement.