Need Help with ' This blueprint (self) is not a pawn, therefore' Target must have a connection ..?

I keep getting this message shown in the title ^ and i am unsure why this is happening i have listed a screenshot below to show part of my blueprint where its doing it,

on seperate occasions it does this and i cannot make a reference to ‘self’ as one already ‘exists’ but i am unable to find it? which is weird confsued…

I would appreciate any help,


Screenshot 1: Screenshot - 1160382e4a7b081c6786b983d560c7ff - Gyazo
Screenshot 2: Screenshot - 6a66657fd2230e90e19c628e34cd026b - Gyazo
Screenshot 3: Screenshot - d40c3039def7ed00b06f7f51889e06d6 - Gyazo