July 4, 2014, 5:21am
While attempting to diff a blueprint through the ‘File History’ , I receive the following message:
Unable to load assets to diff. Content may no longer be supported?
The output log looks like this:
LogSourceControl: Attempting 'svn export --revision 514 --force F:/Projects/Dwarrows (UE4)/Content/Blueprints/Resources/BP_MineralVein.uasset F:/Projects/Dwarrows (UE4)/Saved/Diff/Temp-10-Rev-514-BP_MineralVein.uasset --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --username al --password ********'
SourceControl:Error: Error svn: E205000: Try 'svn help export' for more information
SourceControl:Error: Error svn: E205000: Error parsing arguments
I’m on 4.2.1, everything else seems to be working well with SVN through the editor.
Any help is appreciated
July 4, 2014, 5:25am
I removed the space in my root directory (“Dwarrows (UE4)” to “Dwarrows(UE4)”) and this seems to have fix the issue.
The problem is still alive in version 4.26.2.
While attempting to diff a blueprint through the ‘File History’, I receive the following message:
Unable to load assets to diff. Content may no longer be supported?
The output log looks like this:
LogSourceControl: Attempting “svn export --revision 12583 --force “E:/Dev/Game_Dev/Svn_Soul_Reset_UE4/Content/Gameplay/Game/OldMagicTargetEvent/1000001.uasset” “D:/Dev/UE4Soul_DevEngine/Engine/Saved/Diff/Temp-0-Rev-12583-1000001.uasset” --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --username ChiXuJiCheng --password ********”
LogLinker: Warning: Failed to load ‘D:/Dev/UE4Soul_DevEngine/Engine/Saved/Diff/Temp-0-Rev-12583-1000001.uasset’: Can’t resolve asset name