So here’s my question.
I want 1 spline blueprint with a variable inside it called “Route” set as an integer and editable (So i can change the Int number when placed into the level). I will have multiple splines in the level and all spline paths will have a different Int number corresponding to their route.
When route 1 is pressed in the starting widget, it goes to the player controller and starts moving the car along the route 1 spline. Then at the end of that route another widget opens and more routes become available.
But when i click route 2 or 3 or 4, it just plays route 1 again. How should I be setting up the blueprint inside the player controller to tell the car to follow the correct spline when the corresponding route button is pressed.
Should I be using an array of the spline where route 1 is spline array 0 and route 2 is spline array 1 and so forth. If this is the correct way, how do I set that up?