Need help with snapping object to grid in editor on construction

Hi! I made myself a grid and i want to make a base actor class that has the ability to be able to snap to grid as i move it around in the editor.

Gif of problem

This is the issue I am running into. It will snap to the grid tile it is currently on but not to others as i try to move itPreformatted text

You can use “Vector Snapped to Grid” helper function to snap vectors.

Also I would suggest against using “Get Actor Class” in the construction script. Instead you can set the Grid Manager and Grid variables to be Instance Editable by clicking the Eye Icon next to the variables or ticking Instance Editable in the details panel. Then you can reference them from the level.

[Enable Instance Editable by clicking the eye]

[Use the Dropdown menu in the actor’s details panel in level to reference the Grid and Grid Manager]

Thinking about it a bit more, I don’t think this setup would work. The Construction Script gets called everytime you modify the actor including it’s location. Which means when you use “Get Closest Tile Post Grid Map” and then “Set Actor Location”, it would always return the same grid point

Thats the issue I am running into. It works fine when dragging fresh actor from content browser but when i wish to move that actor around it does not snap because it keeps snapping to the same tile before i can move it off that tile

Gif of how i want it to work

Having the same issue, i tried promoting the tile x and y to a variable and only snapping when that tile gets changed but it still doesn’t seem to want to work, did you ever figure it out?