Need Help with Smooth 8-Directional Movement Transitions

Hi, I have a problem with 8-directional movement in Unreal Engine. I purchased this animation pack: link to animation pack with the intention of creating a top-down game featuring 8-directional movement for a mage character.

I set up a blend space that depends on the normalized movement vector of the player, which looks like this:

This setup works fairly well, but I’ve encountered an issue where some transitions aren’t smooth enough. For example, transitioning between AS_WALK_COMBAT_F_L_45_Loop_Seq and AS_WALK_COMBAT_B_R_45_LOOP_SEQ goes through AS_IDLE_COMBAT_SEQ. This causes the weapon to go off position:

I thought removing AS_IDLE_COMBAT_SEQ would solve the problem, and it partially did. However, it disrupted other transitions, such as between WALK_COMBAT_F_L_90_LOOP_SEQ and AS_WALK_COMBAT_F_R_90_LOOP_SEQ:

I tried adjusting the “Sample Smoothing” weight for speed to 2. While this made the animations look better, the transitions became too slow and felt heavy. Here’s a comparison with and without Sample Smoothing:

Is there a way to skip specific animations during transitions within a blend space? For example, something like a “wormhole” in the blend space? :rofl:

Would it be better to manually set up transitions in the state machine? Or is there a way to combine blend spaces with transitions to make the animations look more professional?

Thanks in advance for any help!