Need help with Sabertooth mod

Click Exist, did you see ur mod name in the Exit menu in single player?

Yeah i do, it shows that im using the mod. But i cant figure this out, it should work.

And now it wont even start. Starts to load, but then back to main menu on Ark…

Can I send someone my mod to look over?

no i’m not sure for the remap :s if ken say it is the other way use the other way :smiley:

your primal game data bp is name starting by PrimalGameData_whatyouwanthere ? it seem that the loading issue can come from the bad name of the primal game data or maybe you forceload a map in the world setting?

the PIE is only for testing your basic change, it will work even if you don’t make all the step that need to be done for your mod to work in game (for example i can test a new dino without adding them to the primalgamedata :wink: ) maybe you missed some file that you will need to relink and remap in your mod for him to work but i’m not sure i didn’t release anithing or try anything live, only trying change on dino and testing them in PIE to see the effect :stuck_out_tongue:

It`s called PrimalGameData_BP_MyMod and the force map is TheIsland as it is original.

other people did have the same issue on the forum try looking on their post maybe you will find the answer, since i dont intend to upload something soon, i don’t look to much into this issue :s

I tryed deleting my generic, primalgame and test, copyed in new ones, and still no joy with the loading.