Need Help with Raycast

I am needing to create a Raycast from a fixed camera location that can generate from the mouse location on the view port. Think of it like an Arcade game where you have to create a bullet that spawns from the camera to the location where the mouse is clicked.

This was my unsuccessful attempt:

Any Suggestions or Help?

Better use PlayerController - ConvertScreenToWorld. This will be MouseWorldLocation and line trace start.

Then use line trace end = MouseWorldLocation + CameraForwardVector*TraceDistance

Will this still use the Camera as the line trace start?

No, GetPlayerController → ConvertScreenToWorld already uses screen coordinates converted to world.

Its only going to one location on the screen… What am I doing wrong?

I’m sorry I am having trouble with this. Are you able to show me screen shot please?

Not screen location here. mouse location to world space for start

you already have ‘convert mouse location to world’ function in graph. just plug it into trace start.

This is what happens when I click anywhere on the screen:


Can’t ou see that you convert (0,0) screen location from that node?

Use mouse location also!