Need help with paper 2d collectibles system please

Hello, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place but I couldn’t find a “help” section.

I am having difficulty with my Collectibles system in paper2d. so far I have it so when you collide with the object it destroys the actor and then on the hud it counts it as item + 1 and it keeps count of how many you collect all fine and dandy like, but I can’t figure out how to make it so it saves the amount collected and will travel with the character through the levels accumulating more and more. Basically I want it so you go through levels collecting these items so you can spend them at a “store” under the main menu section. Does that make sense? It’s basically - Collect these things, unlock new characters in store with them.

that was probably horribly drawn out and I’m sorry for that. any help would be greatly appreciated This is the first game I have actually made progress on and I really don’t want this to be the hiccup that turns me away from continuing working on it.

I have Hopefully uploaded pictures of the Collectible bone item bp, the bone collection system, and my current hud and save system. Thank you for any help.