Need help with packaging error

I am attempting to package my project but the process keeps failing. Here is the error message:

LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] Z:\UnrealProjects\DanielKhonShelter\Content\DanielKhonShelterMap.umap: [Compiler] Couldn’t find object for bound event node OnActorBeginOverlap (None)

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] Z:\UnrealProjects\DanielKhonShelter\Content\DanielKhonShelterMap.umap: [Compiler] Couldn’t find object for bound event node OnActorBeginOverlap (None) from Source: /Game/DanielKhonShelterMap.DanielKhonShelterMap:PersistentLevel.DanielKhonShelterMap

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Load your map “DanielKhonShelterMap”, and go to the level Blueprint. There you should look at all of the OnActorBeginOverlap events, and see if you have one for an actor that doesn’t exist anymore (as in, you deleted it). If you find any, delete them. This should fix the problem

Hope this helps!

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