Need help with .obj file

I need help of importing a 3d model .obj file when i import a 3d model it show no textures but when i load .obj file with 3d builder it shows the textures. I don’t know what i am doing wrong and i am quite new to Unreal Engine 4.

OBJ files dont carry over the textures you will have to import them then make a material and hook up the blueprint for it and place the material on the obj.

if you can, try to have it converted to an FBX file.

The best method for this is to use a free software or another software you have that you’re good with. I use blender. It’s easy to use but you can simply import a model into blender and export it to an .fbx format. Then when you import it into UE4 itll give you the option to import with material.