Need help with mod idea

I have an idea for an atlas mod but, need advice/help from an experienced modder. I have some computational science experience but not alot and have just tinkered with unreal 4 engine for the first time. I want to make a craftable hitching post like structure that snaps onto a ship just like a dingy dock. The hitching post structure will then lock tames in place using the same mechanics that npcs use to lock their position to a chair/cannon. Have the tame follow you and then whistle it to lock onto the post. Or maybe it could work kinda like how the move to ship command works. You get close to the hitching post structure and an option to lock the tame in place would appear. Please someone point me in the right direction and show me what assets to use. I have free time and very willing to learn. I will be playing with devkit and watching tutorials for now. discord: johndaphenom#4307