Need Help with Map Design Looking for Concept & Texture Artist

I am currently in the early stages of making a new underwater map. So far I’ve got the basic layout of the map and have begun modeling it. I’ve also got concepts for several different creatures meant to help players solve the unique challenges they’ll face while exploring and surviving the map. I need someone who can draw up concept art for the map and creatures as well as provide textures to make them really stand out from the rest. I’m also open to anyone who wants to help model and program, especially since i don’t yet have a ton of experience working with unreal (i.e. none). For anyone that’s interested I have basic gray boxes of the map itself as well as any models I’ve managed to work on as well as some break downs on creatures that I want to add. This will be an extensive project which might take a while to complete but i’m a passionate to make this a detailed and interesting map that will provide new experience for players to enjoy. All contributors will be listed in the contributions page.