Need help with making a system for a hunter vs runners in Creative

I want to make a map where there is 1 hunter with only a pickaxe vs 6 runners who have nothing.

But I’m running into trouble when making the system to select, give the pickaxe and randomize who the hunter is each round.

I’m a beginner at Creative so I followed some tutorials on Reddit and tried my ways too but it did not work,
I tried different systems but everytime it resulted in the same way, it works and select a random hunter between me and my brother and gives the hunter a pickaxe and the runners nothing,
but after some rounds like 2-5 it end up not giving the pickaxe anymore and both players have nothing.

I already made the map but I’m stuck at the system part. I need help :frowning:

If you have a solution can you explain In detail please because I’m bad at understanting Creative related stuff.