Need help with Lua machine's Mapping BlueprintFunctionLibrary to UserData guide not working

Hi I’ve been trying to get this guide to work but no matter what I do I can’t get it to work. The problem is when ever I try to call one of the BlueprintFunctionLibrary functions it says attempted to call a nil value. below is what I did while following the guide. Is there some extra step I have to do? If anyone was able to get this to work please let me know what I’m doing wrong.

The error

My setup
C++ code

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "LuaBlueprintPackage.h"
#include "UBPFLLuaBlueprintPackage.generated.h"

class LUAMACHINE_TEST_API UBPFLLuaBlueprintPackage : public ULuaBlueprintPackage

	FLuaValue RequireBlueprintFunctionLibrary(FLuaValue LibraryName);


	Table.Add("require", FLuaValue::Function(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(UBPFLLuaBlueprintPackage, RequireBlueprintFunctionLibrary)));

FLuaValue UBPFLLuaBlueprintPackage::RequireBlueprintFunctionLibrary(FLuaValue LibraryName)
	FWorldContext* world = GEngine->GetWorldContextFromGameViewport(GEngine->GameViewport);

	UWorld* W = world->World();

	ULuaState* L = FLuaMachineModule::Get().GetLuaState(GetLuaState(), W->GetWorld());

	if (L != nullptr) {
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Yellow, L->GetClass()->GetName());

	UClass* FoundClass = Cast<UClass>(StaticFindObject(UClass::StaticClass(), ANY_PACKAGE, *LibraryName.ToString()));
	if (FoundClass)
		ULuaUserDataBPFL* UserDataBPFL = NewObject<ULuaUserDataBPFL>(L);
		return FLuaValue(UserDataBPFL);
	return FLuaValue();


#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "LuaUserDataObject.h"
#include "ULuaUserDataBPFL.generated.h"

class LUAMACHINE_TEST_API ULuaUserDataBPFL : public ULuaUserDataObject

	void InitializeWithClass(UClass* InClass);

	virtual FLuaValue ReceiveLuaMetaIndex_Implementation(FLuaValue Key) override;

	UClass* BPFLClass;


void ULuaUserDataBPFL::InitializeWithClass(UClass* InClass)
	BPFLClass = InClass;

FLuaValue ULuaUserDataBPFL::ReceiveLuaMetaIndex_Implementation(FLuaValue Key)
	UFunction* Function = BPFLClass->FindFunctionByName(*Key.ToString());
	if (Function)
		return FLuaValue::FunctionOfObject(BPFLClass->GetDefaultObject(), Function->GetFName());

	return FLuaValue();

Lua code

Lua state config

I’m having a very similar problem, the exact actually. Did you ever find a fix?

Hey sorry for the late reply. Yes I did find a way to make it work as long as you don’t mind deviating from the tutorial. So I looked though the code and I’m pretty sure the issue I found was that, because the BFL functions weren’t own by the user data it wouldn’t call them (This was a bit ago so the specifics are a bit fuzzy).

I was able to get it to work but I had use a table instead of user data here’s my code

int ULuaModBoxState::BPFLSearcher(lua_State* InL)
	UObject* ClassPackage = ANY_PACKAGE;
	FString Str = lua_tostring(InL, 1);

	UClass* C = FindObject<UClass>(ClassPackage, *Str, true);
	if(!C) return 1;

	if(!C->IsChildOf(UBlueprintFunctionLibrary::StaticClass())) return 1;

	lua_pushcfunction(InL, BPFLReturnFunc);
	return 1;

int ULuaModBoxState::BPFLReturnFunc(lua_State* InL)
	//Find Class And Get ULuaState Object
	UObject* ClassPackage = ANY_PACKAGE;
	FString Str = lua_tostring(InL, 1);

	UClass* FoundClass = FindObject<UClass>(ClassPackage, *Str, true);

	ULuaState* LuaState = ULuaState::GetFromExtraSpace(InL);

	//Construct Package
	FLuaValue NewTable = LuaState->CreateLuaTable();

    for(TFieldIterator<UFunction> It(FoundClass); It; ++It)
    	UFunction* Func = *It;

    	if(!Func->HasAnyFunctionFlags(FUNC_Static)) continue;
	    	NewTable.SetField(Func->GetName(), FLuaValue::FunctionOfObject(FoundClass->GetDefaultObject(), Func->GetFName()));


	return 1;

This code is quite different from the tutorial since I’m not making the Require function from the tutorial, but instead inserting a new searcher function into package.searchers which allows the normal require to search for and expose the BFL’s instead. There a bit more to getting this to work, But the basics of the function are that it populates a table with lua values of UFunction which can be used to call said function.

I hope this helps, and sorry that I can’t help with following the tutorial as is. All attempts I made to ask people on discord how they got it to work ended in them going silent.