So I’m a noob. Still learning, and this is one of the things that is really tripping me up. I read the documentation about how to link a game and use leaderboards on android as well as watched the video about how to do it on youtube from unreal. I followed everything to a T and it’s not working. I took screenshots of all the important information to show that I’m entering things correctly. I’ll also include a super super simple blueprint of me trying to write a leaderboard value. I have a game built and everything, I just want to get the feature working before I place it at the end of the game.
Any help would be so appreciated. I’m so flustered. I feel like I’ve tried so many things and I just can’t figure this out.
I do not recommend using third-party services like Google or Steam in general; all these features are not for advanced projects. Access time to the database is very huge, and many users will go crazy.
Whoah, did you comment this old post from april? Thank you so much. What exactly do you recommend for handling leaderboards then, because I never got this to work, like, at all. And I tried for at least 100 hours, even offered to pay people on fiver, and no one has been able to help me get leaderboards, or any google play integration working. I would greatly appreciate your advice.
I use scoreboard but through Google it is very inconvenient and users need play games tool, very long delays about 10 sec to get data from Google. My advice is to use Postgre or MSSQL. You can use free hosting to save your data in XML or similar formats if Db is small . So there will be no delays and problems and everyone will be happy.