Need help with equipping items.

So I have been trying to figure out how to make a specific item be equipped in the player’s hand.

Here is the end goal: I want an inventory system where i have all the picked up items. Whenever I drag an item to the hand slot it should be equipped and therefore show up in the hand.

But Im having problems figuring this out.

Right now I can Interact with an item to place it in a socket that is placed in the palm. I havent made the actual inventory because I would want data to be readable based on what item i have in my hand.
For that purpose I have been trying to use Data Assets to store data for the specific item and then attempt to read the data that is associated with the item.

Now I dont know if this is even possible with the setup I have but I cant get it to work.
The way I have it set up is that whenever I interact with an Actors Collision Box that has an item interface implemented, I spawn the Actor in the hand socket and then destroy the Actor that was on the ground.

I also dont know if you can even assign an actor a set data asset. I know you can make a variable be the data asset but can you read a value of that data asset based on the actor?

I would already be happy if I could read a value based on what Actor I am holding, but I just simply cant figure it out.

Any ideas?

do you mean assigning data to the actor that is at hand socket?

if so you already did it.otherwise how do you know which actor should be spawned.
ask the actor on the ground for the data. and then spawn a new one to the hand. feed data to it.

Yes i can already pick up items.

But I want this to later be tied to an inventory system where I obviusly can choose which item to equip, And then set a separate value in the player blueprint to which item i equipped so other actors can read that value.

after spawned the can add it to an array. The array is actually an inventory…