Hello! I’m trying to figure out a simple jump attack to player blueprint. Instead of the enemy walking to the player, I want to it instead jump every time chasing the player by jumping. Something like this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgqfvjmo1so&t=27s
Hey @ybenjamin0!
There are a lot of ways to go about this. Across all ways to do it, though, I suggest doing this WITHOUT animations, just use what you have first! Worry about animation once you get the functionality.
I put an ooze into one of my projects that does something like this. What I did was use “Suggest projectile velocity arc” and apply it to the character. I called this AFTER turning to face the target.
If you’d like something more similar to the video, remove the bottom part going into “End POS” and use the player’s location so it doesn’t have a limited jump distance!

thanks, I’ll try this code soon. I agree with you, i’m not worrying about animation right now. Mainly, how to jump to the player for now
how did you get the current movement speed?
What I meant is unless you create “Current Movement Speed” and set that to a value, this will not work. Try changing the end Pos of the suggest to just be the player’s location. Also, where are you calling the EventJumpTowardsTarget?
im calling the custom event in the character, if that’s what you meant?
Right now you have:
Start: Self location
End: Self location.
You need:
Start: Self location
End: Player location.
Also, what I mean by “where are you calling it”:
How are you activating this event? What is causing this event to activate? Because it isn’t going to activate on its own.