Need help with Day cycle and degrees

okay so ive set up a day n night cycle but im using delta time. i want a variable to be for example in minutes so if i set the varible to 1 that will equal to 1 min. so the day will last 1 min, also i want to calculate the degrees on the sun. Im wondering if anyone knows how to do this.

here you go

what :joy:

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doesn’t sound difficult
(Interval - (time delta % interval)) / interval * 360
Should work… If not, show what the blueprint/code looks like and I’ll see if I can test

sorry im new to this kind of stuff, but what does interval mean what is it? and i made a clock without the need of delta seconds and only with ingame seconds. but there is some bugs with the new system i made

years : months : days : hours : minutes

what i have now

what i used before

The Degrees are plugged into the Pitch so you can promote the result of * 360 to a variable if you need. You can use your in game seconds instead of the delta seconds from the event tick. You may need to use SetActorRotation instead of Add but if you set the rotation on startup then the above will work fine

For the clock:
GetGame seconds → make new variable.
get years(trunc(GameSeconds / yearseconds)), subtract years*yearseconds from new variable.
repeat for days, hours, minutes

x = gameseconds;
Years = trunc(x / yearseconds)
x=x-years * yearseconds

repeat for months, days etc.

Otherwise look at the MakeDateTime function within unreal

this did not work with delta seconds but it worked with get time seconds. it made my script much cleaner and more efficient. thanks mate

as of the clock i dont understand what im doing wrong

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Here’s probably what you want. If so, hit the ‘like’ button

You can multiply the GetTimeSeconds result by (secondsinaday / DayDurationSeconds) for your in game time

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kinda, like i want it to go from 12 am to 12 pm if you know what i mean. so if the sun is 90 degrees its 12 noon.

just set the Pitch rotation of the directional light to 90.

This starts it at midnight. If you want another offset, you can plug in some other numbers

Knowing that midnight is 90, time = mod(360 / (SunAngle - 90)) * 86400 I think

but you should have all the values if you are using the above code. If you start your sun at a different angle, you will need to provide an offset to the GetTimeSeconds function (or just pause the sun using an event and print out the angles etc.)

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i think i got it to work now. Thank u for taking ur time mate

oh yeah one last thing when i have months etc and i want it to start on 1 or 4 etc how do i do that?

Glad you got it working :slight_smile: Looks good. I tested with a day duration of 20 secs - easy if you have it set as a variable.

so that’s the final clock, takes the initial sun angle and uses it to set the start time. To do years etc. just do a MakeDateTime and add the time span that you use to generate the printout. Or if you want months to be fixed length (maybe you have your own calendar) then

month = trunc(time / monthDurationSeconds) % 12 + 1

Years = trunc(time / YearDurationSeconds)

or you could use the days output whatever suits

If using MakeDateTime, you can set that up with starting values, otherwise, you can add to the TimeOffset variable

Glad I could help

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Some time ago I made a C++ plugin that does this. Check it out if you want GitHub - jonimake/CelestialSphere

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Thank you so much for the help i really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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