Hello Everyone! How’s it doing?
So, i am coding some Car AI, all in Blueprints and need some help with some concepts, this is how far i got so far:
What i am doing there is:
Car 1 is controlled by the AI, Car 2 is just stationary.
1- Get the location of Car 2.
2- Create a path on the navmesh to tha tlocation from Car 1’s location
3- Spawn a Spline Actor and adjust it to the created path.
4- Make Car 2 follow the Spline as precise as it can, avoiding any obstacle.
The AI predicts curves and adjusts speed accordingly.
What i need help with is the navmesh itself, it doesn’t seem to be a very effective way of creating paths, because i need to dynamically generate paths in a very big map, and the navmesh is kinda clunky when it gets too big, i’m currently using static navmesh, it only builds once, but i have to build it every time i open the editor. A 500m x 500m takes more than 20 minutes to build.
I wonder if there’s anyway to move the navmesh and recalculate it in real time, so i always use a small navmesh just around the player in a certain radius or any other cheaper way of dynamically creating paths and avoid obstacles.
I don’t want to use Waypoints because the map is kinda big and there will be a lot of obstacles to consider.
Any ideas?