I want to check and see if my the opposing player that im line tracing has the YinYang.Ball Tag. But its printing false even though the other player does have the ball tag.
I made a BP interface that accepts an Gameplay tag as input and a boolean as output.
I think i need to implement the function now but not sure how to go about it. (im new to this)
whats confusing me is the BP interface node. it takes in a tag “YinYang.Ball” and the target actor that it is using as a reference (I think). then in the function… i think i should be comparing the input tag with the actor’s gameplay tags? but how do i get reference to the actors gameplay tags in the function without casting?
Just to be clear, the Other actor is the one implementing the interface function, correct?
You can confirm that the basic communication pathway is working with a print string in the function, just put in a Get Display Name with self as the input.
This way you establish first that you are communicating successfully with the target actor.
Once that is accomplished, then the actor which is implementing the function needs to get its tag variable, or container of tags, and plug that into the equality check.
its a multiplayer game, so I am targeting an instance of the same character. So they both have the same implementation. so when i press play and the client windows open, I line trace the opposing character from each client.
I am communicating successfully with the target actor.
It says b_Manequin_1 in one client window when i line trace, and b_Manequin_2 on the otehr client window.
i got the gameplay container that my character holds.